Trusting God's Timing: A Message to Singles and Married Alike

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Friends, you've been lied to. The world around us is filled with lies about what it means to be single, what marriage looks like, and everything in between. Our culture, politicians, social media, even some churches that don’t open up the Bible, have all spread misconceptions about God’s design for singleness and marriage. But today, we’re going to focus on God's truth, especially as it relates to singleness.

You see, we've been talking about how God designed us in His image, created us as male and female, and established marriage. But one topic we often overlook is how God views singleness. And so today, I want to address that. If you’re single, I want you to know that God sees you, and His Word speaks directly to you.

God’s Perspective on Singleness
Let's be clear—you’re either married or you’re single. If you’ve never been married, you’re single. If you’re widowed or divorced, you’re single. And God has something to say about that. Too often, we view singleness through a lens of pity or as something to be "fixed." When I Googled "Christian singles," I was shocked to see how the verses that popped up were the same ones you'd give to someone in hospice care! Friends, singles aren’t dying—they’re living! And God has a plan for their lives just as much as He does for anyone else.

The Truth About Being Single
God designed us first as singles. Every one of us started that way. Even two of the most impactful people in the Bible, Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul, were single. They weren't walking around feeling sorry for themselves. They were living out God’s mission with passion and purpose!
If you’re single, it’s not a waiting period or a time to feel incomplete. It’s an opportunity to maximize your faithfulness and grow deeper in your relationship with Christ. So, how can you make the most of your singleness?

1. Trust God’s Leading
Deuteronomy 31:8 says, "The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed."
Trust that God knows exactly where He’s leading you. He's not up there wringing His hands, wondering what to do with your life. He’s got a plan, and it's a good one. Singles, trust that God’s got you. Trust that He’s leading you even when you can’t see it.

2. Trust God’s Presence
God isn’t just ahead of you—He's with you right now. Whether you’re single, married, divorced, or widowed, God’s presence is the most intimate relationship you’ll ever experience. And if you’re not finding fulfillment in Christ as a single, marriage won’t fix that.
Take this time to fall deeper in love with Jesus. Serve Him, pray, grow in community, and experience His presence. When you do, you'll realize that no earthly relationship can ever fill what only He was meant to fulfill.

3. Trust God’s Ability
If God can create the universe in six days, part the Red Sea, and raise Jesus from the dead, He certainly has the power to bring the right person into your life if that’s His will. He’s more than able to provide, guide, and fulfill your desires according to His perfect plan. So, don’t settle. Don’t compromise. Trust His ability to write your story in a way that glorifies Him.

4. Trust God’s Counsel
God’s Word says, “Do not fear or be dismayed.” So many singles walk around in fear—fear of missing out, fear of being alone, fear of never finding "the one." But God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear. Surround yourself with godly people who will speak truth into your life. Lean into the wisdom of others who have walked this journey before you.

Final Encouragement:
If you’re single, know this: You are not a "second-class citizen" in God’s kingdom. You are valuable, you are loved, and you have a unique role to play in God’s mission. Don’t waste this season waiting for what’s next. Dive deep into your relationship with Jesus, live on mission, and trust that He will guide you every step of the way.
And if you’re married, be reminded that your spouse is not meant to complete you—that’s Christ’s job. Instead, see your marriage as a way to grow in your walk with God together.
Let’s continue to trust in God’s timing, His plan, and His goodness, whether we’re married or single. And remember this: God is with you, and He will never leave you or forsake you.

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