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Day 17 - ‘Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me
There is no doubt that Jesus Christ has always had a special love for children and appreciates those who depend upon Him like a child. In our world that aborts babies, neglects children, and selfishly focuses on money, careers, influence, and personal happiness, Jesus remind us about His focus. He loves children because they can still be molded and shaped for His
glory. He loves their dependency and trust and wants that to grow in a relationship with Him.
He wants every adult to understand and act in a way that will help children focus their attention on Him. He also wants us to consider what a difference we can make in the lives of
children around us. Perhaps there are ways you can use your skills and resources to help make a difference in the life of one of several children. Perhaps you could adopt, mentor,
train, or encourage the next generation and perhaps you can grow more in having a true dependency in the Lord like that of a child.
Prayer Prompt:
Today as you pray, will you bring the names of children you know before the Lord? Will you ask the Lord how you may be of greater service to the children in this world? Will you also
ask how you could grow in having more of faith like a child?