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Welcome to The BRAVE Way with
Pastor Jeff Schwarzentraub

The BRAVE Way with Pastor Jeff Schwarzentraub challenges people with the Word of God to take their next step of faith with the Lord Jesus Christ. God gave us His Word so that He could be known and worshipped. In a day where it is difficult to discern who God is and how He wants to be honored, the BRAVE way is there help you with trusted content from the Word of God.

The proclamation ministry of Pastor Jeff Schwarzentraub and the resources provided here and on our broadcasts are designed to help you grow into the fullness of Christ.

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Why should I give?

God gave us His only begotten Son so that we could be saved from our sins and glorify Him. Therefore, as believers generosity back to the work of the Lord is natural and expected. While generous giving is not demanded it is expected from a genuine believer. we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.

Where should I give?

Your giving should start in your local church to support the ministry and the mission in the community where you serve. Then as you have opportunity find ministries that champion the Word of God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the advancement of His kingdom. The BRAVE Way is one ministry that focuses on these three areas.

How can I give to The BRAVE Way?

It's as simple as using the giving box to the right. Simply choose an option that is best for you. We are truly thankful for a gift of any amount and want to thank you for taking time to generously gift to The BRAVE Way. Please know that your generosity is making an eternal difference in the lives of people around the world. This couldn't be done without you.

In Person Experience with Pastor Jeff Schwarzentraub

Sunday Mornings

8:30am & 10:30am